Name: Melissa King
Home Club: North Park
Division: 1
What is your paddle of choice?
I play with the Viking O-Zone. I love the longer handle for my two-handed backhand.
How long have you been playing paddle?
Almost 15 years (I should be so much better than I am! LOL)
What is your favorite part of playing paddle?
I love the opportunity to be outside and active during the winter season, but most importantly, I love the camaraderie with my teammates and the friendships I’ve made throughout the years.
Your greatest paddle strength?
My backhand drive
What is your best paddle memory?
Probably, the first big national tournament. The competition was amazing!
What do you enjoy when you’re not playing paddle?
I love working out, playing tennis, golf and spending time with my family (two boys) and friends.
Do you have any pre-match rituals?
Not really, it’s probably something I should consider! LOL
What advice would you give to beginners?
BE PATIENT! It took me over a decade to figure that out. ONE MORE BALL BACK!